Jumat, 28 September 2018

Download Renault-Nissan CSR Guidelines for Suppliers - Nissan Global PDF

Introduction Highlights 1. Renault-Nissan Purchasing Way 2. CSR Guidelines for Suppliers (A) Overview and use of Guidelines (B) CSR Areas and Items i) Safety and Quality ii) Human Rights and Labor iii) Environment iv) Compliance v) Information disclosure 3. To Our Suppliers Appendix (I) Nissan’s Approach to CSR (II) Renault’s Approach to CSR

Highlights of the Guidelines 1. Safety and Quality • Providing products and services that meet customer needs • Ensuring safety of products and services • Ensuring quality of products and services 2. Human Rights and Labor • Strive to avoid discrimination • Respecting human rights • Prohibiting child labor • Prohibiting forced labor • Compliance with the law of remuneration • Compliance with the law of working hours • Practicing dialogue and consultation with employees • Ensuring a safe and healthy working environment

File Type: PDF  Download here

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